Currently Accolades: Published/Exhibited for March 18, 2024

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  1. Alida Cantor, Geography faculty, co-authored an article titled “The complexities of irrigation efficiency: Groundwater data, agro-hydrology, and water decision-making in Central Oregon” in Environmental Science and Policy.
  2. John Caughman, Mathematics faculty, and Taiyo Terada, Ph.D candidate, an article titled “Proof of the Kresch-Tamvakis conjecture,” in Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
  3. Julia Freybote, Business faculty, published “The Impact of Virtual Marketing Strategies on the Price-TOM Relation” in Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics.
  4. Bennett Gilbert, History faculty, an article titled “Rich Addiction” on Mar. 6 in Subjectivity.
  5. Jack Straton, Physics and University Studies faculty, a book titled “Tools for Becoming a White Antiracist Educator” by Kendall Hunt.