
International Documents & Certified Translation

An official transcript or degree certificate is a verification of your academic record issued in the original language from the original issuing source (i.e., college, university, technical school, or secondary school). Official transcripts or degree certificates issued in languages other than English must be translated into English and submitted to Portland State along with the original official documents. International transcripts must be submitted in paper form to be considered official. Electronic transcripts will only be accepted from U.S. institutions.

A certified translation is:

  • An exact, precise English translation of your academic documents
  • Prepared by the issuing institution or a professional translator.

A certified translation is NOT:

  • A document that has been authorized by an official notary or government office
  • A photocopy of a translation which does not accompany the original official document
  • A document translated by you, your friends, or your family
  • An evaluation provided by a credential service, for example, Educational Credentials Evaluators (ECE) OR World Education Services (WES)

Attested International Documents

Many international schools issue only one original transcript or degree certificate. Please do not submit your original copy to Portland State. Instead, request that the issuing institution attest a copy of the document.

To request an attested document, send a photocopy (never the original) of the document to the institution that originally issued it. They will verify the photocopy against their records, place the institutional stamp or seal on the photocopy (thereby attesting to its accuracy), put the attested copy into an institutional envelope, and affix their stamp or seal over the envelope closure. The issuing institution can mail the attested copy directly to Graduate Admissions or you may deliver the sealed envelope to the office in person.