
For Faculty

BUILD EXITO has several initiatives to promote research and professional development for faculty, including opportunities to apply for Pilot Project research funding, host a Research Learning Community, or to become a Career Mentor for EXITO Scholars.

Research Mentors

Research mentors provide direct supervision and guidance as BUILD Scholars gain first-hand knowledge about designing, conducting, and communicating research. Research mentors teach practical skills as scholars work on faculty research projects. Scholars are placed for up to 18 months in these Research Learning Communities.

Career Mentors

Career mentors are faculty members who offer encouraging guidance to scholars on a range of academic and career development topics, such as choosing a career path, developing a strong CV, networking with colleagues, applying to graduate programs, navigating higher education, connecting with campus services and resources, and simply discussing the ups and downs of college life.

Faculty in front of white board with students in a classroom

EXITO Dissemination

At BUILD EXITO, we are committed to sharing our research broadly.  Members of the EXITO community are authoring publications, presenting at conferences, and finding other ways to communicate their research within and outside of their disciplines.



A faculty chats with two students at New Student Orientation

Research Learning Communities

Research Learning Communities (RLCs) are at the heart of the BUILD EXITO model for training Scholars through supported research experiences. An RLC is a faculty-led research team with an ongoing , funded program of research that can provide rich training opportunities for an undergraduate scholar.

Research Career Development

OCTRI at OHSU supports faculty and fellows who are interested in establishing and enhancing their careers in clinical and translational research.

Fostering Diversity in Science

NIH is interested in the benefits of a diverse workforce on scientific discovery, with a focus on enhancing the pool of individuals from diverse backgrounds including those nationally underrepresented in biomedical research.

Pilot Project Grants

These projects stimulate the development of new research opportunities for faculty and students and yield new proposals for external funding.

Mentor Support and Training with EXITO

Mentoring is a crucial component of the BUILD EXITO experience. Mentors encourage and guide scholars in successfully reaching their academic and career goals. We recognize that the pathway to become a health researcher involves several different supportive relationships.

Would you like to become an EXITO Mentor? Learn more about the EXITO Mentoring Model HERE, and If you are interested in becoming a Career Mentor or RLC Mentor, contact Kay Logan, at log@pdx.edu

Faculty & Staff Mentor Trainings. Workshops are offered t to promote positive mentor-mentee relationships. We work in collaboration with the National Research Mentoring Network (NMRN) to offer high quality training for our faculty mentors.   Learn more about Faculty Mentor Training.

Students at a table look at a paper at new student orientation

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This newsletter highlights program updates, celebrates successes, and recognizes the great work of students, faculty, mentors, and staff in our community!

Updated on: 05/05/2022