
Off Campus Housing

This chart details the monthly cost of living in a single furnished 1-bedroom on campus vs. off-campus in the downtown Portland area. While many students believe it is less expensive to live off-campus, they often take for granted the cost of commuting, utilities, furniture, and year-long leasing.

Ìý University Housing Off-Campus Housing


(average for single 1-bedroom)

$1508 (furnished) $1476**
Furniture Included $75*


(electric, water, gas, garbage, high-speed internet)

Included $155**
Transportation Not required

Student Tri-Met pass: $50

Student parking: $130 + gas & insurance

Travel Time to Class 5-10 minute walk Depends on location
Contract Length Academic year with summer option Typically one-year lease
Organized Events, Academic Resources, Student-focused Community Priceless Not available
Total $1508 $1631 + furniture & transportation

*student-reported data

**housing market study
