
Pronouns and Gender Expansive Language



What are pronouns?

Pronouns are words that replace nouns or noun phrases . Personal pronouns are words that replace a person’s name. In the English language, pronouns are used to reduce the amount of times we use a person's name. Personal pronouns may be: she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, he/him/his, ze/zem/zeirs, etc.


Pronoun usage changes based on our perspectives. Personal Pronouns include:ÌýÌý

1st person - singular (I/me) or plural (we/us)Ìý

2nd person - (you)Ìý

3rd person - (she/her, they/them, ze/zem, he/him, etc.)

Possessive -Ìý (hers, theirs, his, zeirs, etc.)Ìý

Reflexive (themselves, herself, himself, zeirself, etc.)Ìý

In meetings or greetings, when folks choose to offer their pronouns, they offer their 3rd person and possessive pronouns so folks can refer to each other accurately.


Neo or alternative pronouns (are gender expansive or not binary) - ze/zem/zeirs, fe/fem/fers, xe/xem/xeirs, etc.Ìý

Neo pronouns are words that some non-binary, gender diverse, and agender folks use to describe zemselves. Language changes all the time. Neo pronouns are continuously created as a way to evolve the English language to represent the infinite possibility of gender expressions.Ìý

It is also important to note that not everyone uses pronouns (some folks will use their name or other words) and also no one owes us their pronouns. If people choose not to share their pronouns or don’t use them, then that must be respected.Ìý


How can I be more proactive and inclusive around pronouns and language in the classroom and across campus?Ìý

Modeling and practicing using diverse language and pronouns is a great way for folks to learn and know that you are a safer space for queer and trans people. It is important we don’t assume a person's gender or pronouns by looking at them.Ìý

  • You can share your own pronouns and invite others to share theirs if they want to (it’s important to make this optional for folks who aren’t out, aren’t sure about their pronouns, or don’t use pronouns). You can also ask for a pin from the Queer Resource Center that displays your pronouns!Ìý
  • If you are a professor, you can send out a survey at the beginning of the term asking for folks' lived pronouns.
  • You can listen to or read words folks use to refer to themselves and mirror that back.
  • Practice using people’s correct pronouns even when you aren’t in their presence.
  • When mistakes are made, you can acknowledge, change your language and quickly move on.


Gender Expansive and Inclusive Language

The English language is incredibly gendered. We use language regularly that assumes and reinforces the gender binary and bias towards cis straight people. Language shapes realities, so when we use binary language and make assumptions, we indicate a bias towards a population while actively erasing marginalized communities.Ìý

We all have been taught to use gendered language, it takes practice to notice, be aware and unpack the ways our language may be exclusive to trans and gender expansive folks. This practice also allows all people to assert their identities, not just trans folks.Ìý

Examples of gendered and gender expansive language includes:Ìý

Gendered Language

Gender Expansive and Inclusive

Ladies and Gentleman/M’am or Sir

Folks, ya’ll, friends, [their name], excuse me

Mother or Father


Sister and brother


Waiter/Waitress or host/hostess


Boyfriend/Girlfriend - Husband or Wife

Spouse, partner(s)Ìý

“Hey you guys!â€

“Hey everyone!â€


Human Kind

When we practice using diverse pronouns and inclusive language, we are actively committing to creating a culture where people's identities are not assumed. We are building a community whereÌýstudents, staff and faculty are affirmed, celebrated and honored for who they are using the language they choose.

For more videos and practice, check out the links below:Ìý

For resources on practicing using various pronouns, check out these websites: