
Academic Scheduling Changing or Canceling a Course Section

To change or cancel a course section, begin by identifying the course section using the “Look up a Section” module on the landing page, either by CRN or by searching the term, subject, and course number.

If you searched by term, subject, and course number multiple results will populate if there are multiple sections of the course active on the schedule. On the right side of each result are three action buttons. To make changes to the section select the blue “Update” button, to cancel it select the red “Cancel” button (The green “Copy” button is a handy new feature that will be discussed later in this tutorial).

Changing a Course Section

After clicking the blue “Update” button a change CSM form will launch. This form validates from Banner at the section level, so all course detail fields will be pre-filled to reflect how the course section is currently set up, prior to your changes. Update course details as needed, and then select one of the three buttons on the bottom of the form to submit changes right away, save the form for later, or discard the change request.

Canceling a Course Section

After clicking the red “Cancel” button a cancel CSM form will launch. You will see a minimized snapshot of the course section you’re canceling. You can expand this page to display the course section’s full course details by clicking on the green “+” button, if you wish to review prior to canceling. This form is largely view-only, but you are able to leave a note for Academic Scheduling if clarification is needed. Click the “Submit Cancellation” button at the bottom of the form to finish the request.

Next: Handy new features