
Student-Led Projects

orange background with black line work images of two people chatting

Peer Mentorship Project

The WRC Mentorship Project works to implement programming that increases resources, community, and retention for non-traditional and historically underserved and underrepresented students at PSU through a peer support model. The Mentorship Project facilitates social, personal, and professional growth for both mentors and mentees through one-on-one support, group community building, and workshops and events geared toward college success. WRC Mentorship is aimed at supporting students who are 25 years old or older, transferring from community colleges, veterans, student parents, students of color, queer and trans students, or first-generation students.Ìý



yellow background with black line drawings of a group of people standing in a line with arms around each other

Trans Women's Community Project

Trans Women’s Community Project coordinator works to implement programming that increases resources, community, and retention for trans women on campus through intentional collaboration with other resource centers on campus and community partners in Portland. The goal of this work is to build a more trans and genderqueer welcoming campus. In addition to planning events and doing campus and community outreach, the Trans Womxn’s Community Project Coordinator supports the Trans Womxn’s Community Group, a weekly gathering that is created to hold space for people who live at the intersection of transness and womanhood.




orange image with black line work imagery of 4 people sharing a meal at a table

Feminist of Color Community Project

The Feminist of Color Community (FOCC) is a project of the Women’s Resource Center that fosters space for students of color on PSU's campus to gather in community through storytelling, connection, and exploring dialogue of feminist possibilities. This work is done by deepening understanding of feminist of color theories, expanding feminist praxis, self-reflection, and building relationships with peers of color. The Feminist of Color Community Group meets weekly on Fridays and plans FOCC events and opportunities for engagement throughout the year. The goal of this work is to build spaces for affinity and resilience within a Predominately White Institution. This work culminates in a large Feminists of Color Award Brunch in the Spring term. FOCC also collaborates and supports other projects within the WRC and other campus partner events and programming.
