
University Career Center

The University Career Center provides unique resources and services to meet the career development and job search needs of all of our students and alumni. We develop employer, campus, and community partnerships to support students and alumni in obtaining career positions, internships, part-time employment, and on-campus jobs. We support individuals in all aspects of their career development including: exploration, preparation and planning, job searching, and making career changes and transitions. 

Did You Know?

Viking Careers

Our grads go on to rewarding careers at Intel, Nike, OHSU, Google, Amazon, Kaiser Permanente and more! 

Viking Salaries

Undergrads earn a median salary of $52k.

Student listening to headphones and exploring their phone

Where we are From

Over 79% of our students are from Oregon and 65% are from the Portland Metro Area!

Who We Are

PSU is leading the way to an equitable and sustainable future through academic excellence, urban engagement, & opportunity!

Student on campus