
About Us

Our Mission

The mission of PSU Career Services is to empower students and alumni to explore, develop, and achieve their career goals.

We develop employer, campus, and community partnerships to support students and alumni in obtaining career positions, internships, part-time employment, and on-campus jobs. We support individuals in all aspects of their career development including: exploration, preparation and planning, job searching, and making career changes and transitions. 

Our Services

Our Career Team provides comprehensive career services by:

  • Working directly with students and alumni
  • Collaborating with University faculty and staff
  • Partnering with employers

You can access these services through:

  • Appointments and drop-ins with career counselors
  • Career workshops and employer events (offered each month)
  • Career + Internship Fairs (offered each term)
  • 1-credit career planning class (UNST 195)

Our Staff

Whatever career questions you may have, we can help. 

Our Values

Advocacy: We seek to promote equitable access to career development by advocating for the needs of students and alumni we serve.

Collaboration: We foster an environment that promotes mutual respect, consensus, honesty, and transparency among our staff and are committed to cultivating meaningful relationships with students, alumni, employers, and campus partners. 

Empowerment: We strive to empower students and alumni to make their own career decisions. We share educational tools, resources, and job search strategies with individuals so that they can advocate for themselves throughout their professional lives.

Engagement: We create opportunities for students and alumni to engage with employers in support of their experiential learning.

Inclusion: We strive to create spaces where people from all backgrounds and identities feel engaged and supported. We believe that inclusion exists when people accept, respect, and value differences. We affirm individuals’ beliefs and experiences as we assist them in achieving their career goals.

Innovation: We embrace new and creative strategies for the enhancement of our services to support our students, alumni, employers, and campus partners in an ever-changing career environment.

Intentionality: We encourage active and thoughtful exploration, discovery, and pursuit of work that is personally meaningful to students and alumni.

Reflection: We believe that self-reflection is an integral part of the career decision-making process. We offer individuals’ opportunities to explore what is important to them (values), what they enjoy (interests), and what they do well (skills).Â