
Viking Visits

Viking Visits are an opportunity to go directly to local companies to get an exclusive firsthand look at what makes them successful. It is a chance to meet and hear from professionals about what they do and how you can start a career in this industry.Ìý

  • Must be a current PSU student to attend a Viking Visit.
  • Transportation is not provided and students must register to attend.

If you're an employer interested in hosting a Viking Visit, please contact us at hirepsu@pdx.edu.Ìý

Upcoming Viking Visits

As a safety precaution to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19, Viking Visits have been postponed. At this time the University Career Center does not have a rescheduled dates finalized or upcoming visits planned. Please continue to visit the University Career Center website and be sure to check your Handshake accounts for updates and future opportunities. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Previous Visits