Testing Accommodation Supplemental Information

Extended Time

Extended time of 1.5x or 2x means the student should have the additional time added to the time the class has to complete the exam. For example: if an exam is 1 hour, and the student has 1.5x, they should be provided 1.5 hours. This accommodation applies to both in-person and all online/remote exams where the exam is timed. Note that “timed” in this context means the amount of time the test stays open for students taking the test. If students have a week to take the test, but the test itself will only be open for 2 hours once started, extended time would apply.

For exams in Canvas, you need to to allow the student the extra time. Whenever a test has a limited amount of time once the student starts the test, the extended time accommodation should apply.

Distraction Reduced Space

For in-person exams, students who qualify for a distraction reduced testing space need a location with minimal auditory and visual distractions. Generally, providing students with a separate space for testing with a few other students who are also taking exams is appropriate. Note: Seating students in the back of a crowded classroom, in a hallway, or asking the class to remain silent, does not constitute a reduced distraction environment.

For remote exams, this accommodation is not needed unless you require students to test together in the same Zoom room with microphones and/or cameras on.

Breaks During Tests

For in-person exams, when a student has “Short Breaks”, please add 10 minutes for every hour of exam time. For “Breaks as Needed”, please add .5x to the original exam time.

For remote exams, you can add extended time on exams in Canvas by following the instructions from the . To avoid confusion, please use "breaks" when communicating with students about the additional time for breaks. Examples below:

  • Student has no extended time but has “breaks during exams” = 1.5x with break time
  • Student has 1.5x extended time and has “breaks during exams” = 2.0x with break time
  • Student has 2.0x extended time and has “breaks during exams”= 2.5x with break time

Reference Material

For in-person and remote exams: A single reference sheet or formula card is allowed unless having access to this information fundamentally alters learning outcomes of the course or exam. The information on the card should be what is needed to help a student answer a question on the exam. IT SHOULD NOT INCLUDE THE EXACT INFORMATION NEEDED TO ANSWER A QUESTION ON THE EXAM. For example, on a geometry exam, the formula card may include: "y=mx+b", but the question would be "Solve: 3y=12x+15".

Students must create and submit their reference sheet to their instructor electronically at least two days prior to the exam so the instructor has time to review and approve the content.

For remote exams only: Instructors who are using Proctorio will work with the Office of Academic Innovation (OAI) to set this accommodation up.

Adaptive Software

For remote exams: The Disability Resource Center will work with the student to ensure they have access to appropriate adaptive software. Adaptive software may affect how Proctorio functions. Instructors who use Proctorio can connect with OAI about how to set up Proctorio by

Students who test in-person may need to test with Testing Services or have access to their own computer and technology during the exam.

Exams at Alternate Time

For in-person and remote exams: The student may take their exam at a different time from the class as necessary due to the nature of their disability. The exam should be taken on the same day as the rest of the class. Please communicate with the student to schedule the new time. Contact the DRC if there are any questions or concerns.

Exams in Multiple Sections

Students with this accommodation need the exam to be split into multiple sections. For example: an exam with 20 questions would be split into two sections of 5 or 10 questions each. The student would be given one section of the exam at a time.

Food & Drink Allowed During Tests, Exams, and Quizzes

Students who need access to food and drinks may access these items while testing remotely. If they are testing in person, the student should be allowed to step out of the room to a space where they can safely eat and/or drink.

Four Function Calculator

For in-person and remote exams: Students who are eligible for this accommodation should be permitted to use a four-function (add, subtract, multiply, divide) calculator on any in-class work or exam that requires mathematical computation, unless one or more of those four functions are an essential part of the learning outcomes as measured by the exam.

Other Accommodations

For remote exams: The use of a dictionary, scratch paper, or talking aloud may affect Proctorio. Instructors can connect with OAI about how to handle this by completing the OAI contact form.

If you have questions about the information on this page, please contact the Disability Resource Center.

Phone: 503-725-4150