
From the Pacific Northwest, the PSU College of Education serves the world through comprehensive offerings that educate a large and diverse student body for careers in teaching, counseling, and educational leadership. We educate graduate students, undergraduates, current practitioners, returning students, and those who are changing their careers to embark on the journey of education. Our research connects us to a community of scholarship and positively impacts teaching and learning, and our focus on inclusive excellence draws students to the PSU College of Education. We empower educators and human services professionals to engage in visionary thinking and transformative practices within schools and communities. Your support of College of Education students, faculty, and programs make a difference.

Giving Priorities

COE Dean's Fund for Excellence: Supports excellence in the College of Education by supporting those with high need and high potential to impact their communities.

COE Student Emergency Fund: The Student Emergency Fund provides limited emergency financial assistance to College of Education students who are experiencing unanticipated financial hardships resulting from emergency or crisis situations. Funds are distributed as a scholarship award to help alleviate short-term financial needs to students who otherwise may not be able to stay enrolled.

College of Education Pathways for Diverse Educators: Funds to support underrepresented and culturally diverse future educators.

College of Education Scholarship: Scholarships for College of Education students across programs.

Leadership for Sustainability Education/Learning Gardens Lab: Support the work of the Leadership in Culture, Ecology & Learning program, including the Learning Gardens Laboratory.

For more information, contact:

Kailin Mooney, Director of Development