
Student Technology FAQ

Tk20 access

Students enrolled in the majority of COE academic programs are assessed a one-time Tk20 use fee as part of their tuition and fees. This one-time fee allows the COE to create an account for you in Tk20, our data management system. Your professors will use Tk20 to collect certain assignments, your supervisors will use it to record field experience data, and your advisor may use it to check your academic progress. Once your account has been created, you can  any time using your Odin username and password. If you have questions about account access, completing assignments, or other tasks related to your Tk20 account, please e-mail help-coe-tech@pdx.edu.

If at any time while at the COE you change your name or your Odin account name, please e-mail help-coe-tech@pdx.edu so that we can update your Tk20 account to reflect that change.

Odin accounts

Your Odin account and password work for logging in on Windows and Mac workstations in PSU computer labs and classrooms, signing in to your pdx.edu email (Gmail) and G Suite apps, connecting to myPSU, Canvas, and PSU Secure wireless, and more.

To change your password or manage your account, please visit the .
For more information about Odin accounts, please visit Odin Account.

Acceptable Use Policy

PSU's Acceptable Use Policy governs all of your uses of campus computer [information] or networking systems, including COE computers and iPads. Please review and be mindful of this policy.

How to get help

Please contact help-coe-tech@pdx.edu for:

  • tech support for the Vanport Computer Lab (VB260)
  • Tk20-related support

Please contact the Office of Information Technology help desk for all other student tech support questions: