Amy Borden

Amy Borden

Associate Professor of Humanities and Film Studies

University Honors

UHP 4-Basement
Thu: 10:30 am - 11:30 am
Wed: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
(503) 425-5375

Amy Borden is an Associate Professor of Film at 山 where she specializes in silent film history and classical film theory. She is currently writing a book-length study about theorizations of consciousness and motion pictures in gilded-age, American magazines. She has written about Hugo Munsterberg, Mary Pickford and Italian immigrant ethnicity, and depictions of sausage machines as part of a cycle of silent films. She has presented at SCMS and Domitor, and her work has appeared in anthologies and journals including Jump Cut, Beyond the Screen: Institutions, Networks and Publics of Early Cinema, The Routledge Companion to Cinema and Gender, and Multiplicities: Cycles, Sequels, Remakes and Reboots in Film & Television. Her most recent essay, “Shadows, Screens, Bodies, and Light: Reading the Discursive Shadow in the Age of American Silent Cinema,” was published in the peer-reviewed journal in September 2020.

  • PhD, Cultural and Critical Studies
    University of Pittsburgh
  • MA, Communications, Film
    University of Iowa
  • BA, English & Media Studies
    Carleton College