
Over the next several weeks, the HR website will be getting a refresh. Changes modify the structure and presentation of our information. However, no programs, terms of employment, or policies are changing as a result of this website refresh.

Please be aware some of your bookmarked links may break.

Timesheets/Leave Reporting

Pay received each month may reflect hours worked for dates of the 1st through the last day of the month (monthly cycle) or the 16th of one month through the 15th of the next month (hourly cycle). Typically, employees who are in Classified positions or positions that are non-benefits eligible are paid on the hourly cycle. Typically, employees who are in Unclassified, benefits eligible positions are paid on the monthly cycle.

In addition, positions may be defined as exempt or non-exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Positions that are non-exempt are subject to overtime rules outlined in Federal and State laws and under applicable Collective Bargaining Agreements. Positions that are not subject to overtime pay are considered exempt.

Based on the above, employees may be asked to complete a monthly cycle time sheet, hourly cycle time sheet, monthly leave report, or complete hours through web time entry. The following table is designed to aid employees and supervisory staff in knowing which time-keeping document is appropriate for each employee.


Web Timesheet - Hourly paid Student, Temporary and Wage Pool - Hourly Cycle (16th-15th)

Approvers/Proxies - click Web Time Entry link for tips.

Timesheet - Classified - Hourly Cycle (16th-15th)Tips
Timesheet - Classified - Monthly Cycle (1st-31st)Tips
Timesheet - Unclassified - Monthly Cycle (1st-31st)Tips
Online Leave Reports and Monthly Time Reporting - Monthly paid overtime-exempt (salaried) employees report leave taken (vacation, sick leave, or other leave with or without pay) on a monthly pay cycle; monthly paid overtime-eligible employees record their actual time worked and leave taken, recording daily activity totals, throughout the monthly pay cycle. A Leave Report or Monthly Time Report is required for each month worked.

Exception: Use  ONLY when directed by Payroll.

Employee Dashboard Video Walkthroughs